Player takes up the role of the Third Street Saints leader performing and exploring the new city of Steelport, completing missions to take the game forward and also attempt other missions. Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package continues the traditional urban warfare format of the series. This attempt is made in order to bring in control the violence between different gangs.Synopsis & Feautures: With gang wars building up STAG (Special Tactical Anti-Gang) which is an elite paramilitary police force is deployed to Steelport led by Commander Cyrus Temple.

The game is set in the fictional city of Steelport and the story is based on the urban gang war between the Saints and three other gangs. Like in the previous edition the player controls the leader even in the Saints Row: The Third. An action adventure video game, Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package published by THQ is set in an open world environment making it the third title in the Saints Row series.