Music mods are not supposed to in PatchWAD file formats anyway. Music mods are a separate download from custom levels, and there is no way to merge the two files. Jones has a good Guide on how to do just that! Which you can find here.Ĭan I include music mods in my custom levels, without the need for a download? A large archive of various music mods can be found here. Some people will provide them as a download for their campaigns or levels. Really their purpose is whatever you decide it is. Music mods are used mostly for custom levels and campaigns in the hotline Miami 2 Level editor, they exist for that extra level of custom creation, spice things up a bit, introduce players to some cool new jams. close out of the file browser, run HM2, and you should be able to hear the sweet sounds of your brand new music mod!

(If this does happen, a good way to tell them apart is the file size. It is important not to mix up the original music file, with your renamed music mod, as you don't want the two files being confused for one another. WAD and rename the file to: “hlm2_music_desktop” (If the mod is not renamed, the game won't recognize the file, and could potentially crash on startup) We will start out by renaming the music mod. Leave this folder somewhere handy, you never wanna misplace backups! To do this, simply copy the file to a new area (preferably in some sort of backups folder) using your computers Copy and paste function. It is highly recommended that you make a backup of the "hlm2_music_desktop" file, as we will be replacing it with your music mod. Open this folder, and locate a file called "hlm2_music_desktop" (This PC / Local Disk (C:) / Program Files (x86) / Steam / steamapps / common / Hotline Miami Navigate to the “Hotline Miami 2” Folder within your steam directory: Now that you’ve got your mod, it's time to install it!